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Focus on the Leading Stocks
When you invested in a stock, do you know the comparison of your stock and the other stocks in the same sector?
When you invested in a sector, do you compare your sector and other sectors?
When you invested in any stock, do you compare your stock and the stock index?
Most investors don’t spend enough time on his/her stocks, that’s why their stocks are not performing well.
Using relative strength comparison, we can compare :
stocks vs. stocks; stocks vs. sectors, stock vs index
Asset class vs. Asset class; (for example Gold vs. Bond; Stocks vs. Commodity; US index vs. Canada index. Emerging market vs. US market, Tech vs. Large Cap stock)
Finding the leaders among all the sectors, countries, assets, etc are the key to successful investing. Macro research is putting all these together to give investors a clear direction of the macro direction of investing. Our newsletter: North America Intermarket Technical Research is focusing on macro studies like interest rate, currency, commodity, indexes, one of the most valuable tools for investors to understand the big picture. Our newsletter always select the leading sectors, countries ETFs and leading stocks in the sector for investing opportunities. This provides professional investors like portfolio managers to easily pick up the best stocks among the best sectors.